M&A Term | Definition | Note |
yield | Return on an investment expressed as a percentage. Most often used to refer to the gross redemption yield on a bond, being the return to a purchaser if the bond is held to maturity ignoring taxes and the prospect of default. Another term for interest rate. (See also nominal interest rate, real interest rate, redemption yield, running yield.) | N6 |
yield curve | Relationship between redemption yields and terms to maturity. (See also redemption yield, term.) | N6 |
yield curve risk | Risk of bond price volatility due to changes in the shape of the yield curve. | N6 |
yield gap | Difference between the redemption yield on long dated bonds and the average equity dividend yield. | N6 |
yield spread | Differences in yields available on different types of bond, for example, government and corporate bonds. | N6 |
yield-to-maturity | See redemption yield. | N6 |
YTD | Year to date. | N6 |
N1: referring to The Book of Jargon – Global Mergers & Acquisitions, first edition, the Latham & Watkins, available at https://www.lw.com/admin/Upload/Documents/BoJ_Global_MandA-locked-March-2015.pdf.
N2: referring to Glossary of Key M&A and Corporate Terms, 4th edition, Dr Anne Meckbach and Dr Tobias Grau, available at https://cms.law/en/deu/publication/glossary-of-key-m-a-and-corporate-terms-2020.
N3:referring to M&A Dictionary, Global PMI Partners, available at https://gpmip.com/dictionary/.
N4:referring to M&A jargon demystified, KPMG, available at https://issuu.com/kpmg_be/docs/kpmg_m_a_vakjargon_en_digital.
N5: referring to Simple Guide to M&A Terminology and Jargon, Lucas & Weston Ltd., available at https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5708da760dd2dc033a78bd13/5b7ea45f3dbc72645fbee4b2_L%26W%20-%20M%26A%20Glossary.pdf.
N6:referring to INVESTMENT DICTIONARY, MARSH & McLENNAN COMPANIES, available at https://www.mercer.com/content/dam/mercer/attachments/europe/Netherlands/ic-dictionary-mercer.pdf.
N7: referring to International Valuation Glossary—Business Valuation, November 2021, jointly published by ASA, CBV Institute, RICS and TAQEEM, available at https://www.appraisers.org/docs/default-source/default-document-library/international-business-valuation-glossary_en_final.pdf?sfvrsn=e37c69d4_2.
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