今天来介绍下SQE并分享下备考感受,给感兴趣的朋友提供点备考信息与思路。本文分三部分来介绍:什么是SQE,为什么备考SQE,以及如何备考SQE1。 一、什么是SQE SQE是由英格兰和威尔士律师协会(Solicitors Regulation Authority,简称SRA)于2021年9月推行的新的事务律师(Solicitor)资格考试,替代了之前的职业训练课程(Legal Practice Course,简称LPC)。在英格兰和威尔士法域下,Solicitor主要处理日常法律事务和客户联系,以及拥有有限的出庭权限(主要在初级法庭出庭,以及特定类型案件的高等法院的出庭权限)。Solicitor通过额外培训和考试后,可以获得更高等级法院的出庭权限。获得这一资格的Solicitor被称为“出庭事务律师”或“Solicitor Advocate”。 除Solicitor以外,英国还有称为Barrister的大律师(出庭律师)。Barrister具备在英格兰和威尔士的各级法院(从初级法庭到最高法院)出庭的权利。能够处理复杂和高风险的案件,并在法庭上代表客户进行辩护和陈述。Barrister律师资格获取是另外一套体系,不在本文叙述范围内。 SQE考试分为2个部分:SQE1与SQE2。SQE1主要通过单选题的方式考察法律基础知识(Functional Legal Knowledge,“FLK“)),分为FLK1与FLK2两部分来考试。SQE2侧重于实践技能的考核,包括客户访谈、辩护、法律研究、法律写作、法律起草和案例分析等实际操作能力,分为SQE2 oral assessment与SQE2 written assessment两部分。除参与SRA组织的SQE2考试之外,考生也可以通过2年以上的律所执业经验来申请SQE2考试的豁免并获通过。本文主要介绍SQE1,SQE2考试豁免将在下篇文章中具体介绍。 SQE1 FLK1 FLK2 考试内容 Business law and practice (含Tax law) Dispute resolution Contract Tort Legal system of England and Wales and sources of law (含Legal service) Public Law (constitutional and administrative law and European Union law ) Ethics and…
Author: Carolyn Lin
Glossary of M&A Jargon and Terminology_Z
|Z| M&A Term Definition Note Z-spread Fixed number of basis points that would be added to the gilt yield curve at all durations so that the present value of a bond’s future payments equals its market price. Z-spread is a measure of a bond’s credit risk. Therefore, it will be zero for gilts and high…
Glossary of M&A Jargon and Terminology_Y
|Y| M&A Term Definition Note yield Return on an investment expressed as a percentage. Most often used to refer to the gross redemption yield on a bond, being the return to a purchaser if the bond is held to maturity ignoring taxes and the prospect of default. Another term for interest rate. (See also nominal…
Glossary of M&A Jargon and Terminology_W
|W| M&A Term Definition Note Waterfall the contractual allocations of Cash Flows, commonly resulting from a liquidity event (e.g., merger, acquisition, initial public offering), to the various ownership classes (e.g., debt, preferred equity, common equity) in a business, reflecting the economic rights of each class N7 Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) a measure of…
Glossary of M&A Jargon and Terminology_V
|V| M&A Term Definition Note Valuation the act or process of developing an opinion or conclusion of value at a Valuation Date using a Premise of Value, a Standard of Value, and one or more Valuation Approaches. Also known as Appraisal. N7 Valuation Approach a general manner of estimating a value that uses one or…
Glossary of M&A Jargon and Terminology_U
|U| M&A Term Definition Note Unlevered Beta a measure of Beta reflecting a capital structure without debt. Also known as asset beta. Contrast with Levered Beta N7 Unlevered Cost of Capital the expected Rate of Return that the market requires in order to attract funds to a particular investment, assuming an unlevered Capital Structure. See…
Glossary of M&A Jargon and Terminology_T
|T| M&A Term Definition Note T+1, T+2, T+3 Abbreviations that refer to the settlement date of security transactions. The T stands for the day the transaction takes place. The numbers 1, 2 and 3 denote how many days after the transaction date the settlement or the transfer of money and security ownership takes place. N6…
Glossary of M&A Jargon and Terminology_S
|S| M&A Term Definition Note S Corporation a corporation that has, with the consent of its shareholders, elected to be treated as a Pass-Through entity (i.e., not separately taxable on its own income) for federal tax purposes under the “small business corporation” rules in Subchapter S of the US Internal Revenue Code. The shareholders, limited…
Download Your Free M&A Glossary PDF Now
In the fast-paced world of business, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) play a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of industries. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a curious enthusiast, having a comprehensive understanding of M&A terminology is crucial. To make this process easier for you, it is exciting to introduce where you can find downloadable…
Glossary of M&A Jargon and Terminology_R
|R| M&A Term Definition Note rack rent Rent that would be received on a property if it were leased on the open market. The current rent may be greater or less than the rack rent depending on the terms of the lease and how the market has moved since the last rent review. N6 Raider…